Monday, March 26, 2012

Next Magazine - Rayuela's Hamachi Ceviche

Dive into Rayuela chef Máximo Tejada’s wasabi-spicied ceviche!

Hamachi Ceviche
12 oz hamachi, cleaned and sliced into 1 oz pieces
1 grapefruit, cut into segments
1 orange, cut into segments
1 tsp wasabi oil
½ avocado, diced
¼ bunch cilantro, chopped
3 sprigs scallions, chopped
2 cups grapefruit juice
6 lemongrass stalks, chopped
1 tbsp of fresh ginger, chopped
1 tsp lecithin

For Citrus Vinaigrette:
1 lime zest
1 lemon zest
1 orange zest
1 tbsp Champagne vinaigrette
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp shallots diced

1. For lemongrass-ginger foam, combine grapefruit juice, lemongrass and ginger and bring to a boil. Strain and cool. Add lecithin. Blend until mixture turns into a foam.
2. Marinate hamachi in citrus vinaigrette mixture for 2–3 minutes. Set aside.
3. To assemble, garnish hamachi with segmented oranges, grapefruit, avocado, cilantro and scallions.
4. Top with a spoonful of lemongrass-ginger foam.

Rayuela is located at 165 Allen St (btwn Rivington/Staton Sts). Visit for more info.

First published in part in Next magazine.
Photo credit: Gustavo Monroy

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