Monday, April 9, 2012

Red Hot Peppers!

My former cousin-in-law is a loose cannon to be sure so it's not surprising that her deliciously naughty pepper jelly packs a considerable punch. Just like she does, play it fast and loose with the peppers you choose--and of course, pour it over room-temperature cream cheese and serve with crackers for a great snack around cocktail hour.

Pepper Jelly 
2 red peppers
6 hot peppers
2 cups cider vinegar
8 cups sugar
1 package Certo pectin

In a small food processor, puree peppers. Combine all ingredients (except pectin) in a large sauce pan. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Add liquid pectin. Bring to a boil again for 1 minute.

For the bath: Boil jars and lids, pack jelly in jars. Wipe lids with damp cloth. Bathe for five minutes underwater. Let cool.

Thanks to for the image! 

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